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Property propsocial connect with potential partners 2
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Though you may have found the perfect opportunity or drawn out the perfect plan to invest in a highly lucrative property or development, it may not be achievable without having the proper finances. As such, it could only be possible by finding business partners or investors who are willing to take the risk and share the profits with you in order to succeed.

As such, finding potential partners to work with you in property investment could present new opportunities and better chances of carrying out your plan. Here are 5 ways to start meeting new people and finding potential partners.

1. Know your business

The first step to success, be it in business or career, is to first truly understand and know the field you want to get into- in this case, property.

Before meeting people or potential business partners to work with and invest together, you should have a firm base in understanding the property market, property types, factors to look at when investing in a property and so on.

It is best not to suppose that you can just meet a potential investor or client and just begin talking about your plans, first demonstrate your knowledge and people will be more open to working with you.

(Read more about Malaysia’s 5 “VIP” taxes, what to look for in housing loans and all things property here to spruce up your property game.)

2. Utilise social media

Almost anyone and everyone is on social media these days, making it a great platform for you to identify and meet people of similar interests and aims.

Platforms like Facebook also enable the set up of “groups” for particular interests and goals, where people can choose to join and invite others who may share the same pursuit, concerns, questions and so on.

There are also innumerable property investment groups where you could even find great deals! But don’t get too carried away by the excitement of stumbling across a deal and remember to do proper research on the property and seller to avoid falling prey to scams.

(See how PropSocial, the “Facebook” for property enthusiasts with real community discussions and reviews can help you!)

3. Meeting new people face-to-face

Seminars and events, especially those related to property are great places to meet new people who share a similar interest in the field of property investment. Though, as mentioned, social media is a great tool to find new friends, nothing beats meeting someone new in person and really establishing a bond.

Elements like appearance, tone of voice, body language and such are important tools which you can use to establish confidence in the other person or to even gauge how your counterpart feels about doing business with you.

After giving a good first impression, it will then be easier for you to further discussions with potential partners on how you could work together in property investments by inviting them out for dinner or drinks and getting to know one another better.

(Go out there and start meeting new people! Search for property-related events anywhere in Malaysia here.)

4. Joining clubs

In case that caught you by surprise, the answer is “no” we don’t mean “nightclubs”. Though nightclubs could be a place to meet new people, it isn’t exactly the best place to meet potential partners for your investments.

There are private and members-only clubs, which certain people who share particular interests or similarities can come together. These kinds of clubs are usually of the more “atas” type, such as yacht clubs, golf clubs, and the likes.

Though as exclusive as they sound, you don’t necessarily have to own a yacht or play golf to join them. You could look around on Facebook or the internet to find private members clubs of your interest, and don’t worry about being “inferior” or different than them. As long as you share an interest with the particular club, the chances are that you can bond with the members by talking about the interest that you share.

(Too shy to go out? Discuss all things property with PropSocial’s friendly community online here!)

5. Keep active

Most successful people know that keeping physically fit is important in ensuring the right state of mind when they run their businesses or even go through everyday life. As such, gyms are a great place for you to meet and mingle with the right people who have the right mindset in business and in life.

Though you could go around trying to find potential investment partners on purpose, it is always best to begin with yourself and getting into the right lifestyle as well as mental and emotional state.

Go to the gym to better yourself physically and you might just meet that perfect investment partner who is physically, mentally, emotionally and maybe even financially ready to take on that risk to succeed with you.

You may often see the same few faces every week, so if you’re consistent, it will be easier to get to know them and make some new friends along the way, even if they aren’t millionaires or billionaires.

(Find gyms and more in your neighbourhood with PropSocial’s extensive neighbourhood review.)

Meeting new people and gaining new opportunities

In short, networking and finding people who are like-minded may be a good way to get your foot into property-investment or even to ensure continuous opportunities. Though you may not always meet people who will work with you, widening your horizons and your network can enrich your thoughts, experiences and even inspire new ideas. So prepare yourself and just get out there! When you do meet the right people who are confident in you and your investment plans, then be sure to make the most out of it.

Psst… Did we mention that PropSocial is also a great place for you to meet other property-buyers, owners and investors too? Sign up now and start talking all things property with the friendly PropSocial community!



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Great information shared. Thanks yeah.

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@admin_ps thanks for sharing